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Our team consists of highly skilled and dedicated professionals who are deeply passionate about transforming education through technology. With a strong commitment to excellence, they collaborate tirelessly to develop and deliver innovative educational solutions that empower both learners and educators alike.

Our team consists of highly skilled and dedicated professionals who are deeply passionate about transforming education through technology. With a strong commitment to excellence, they collaborate tirelessly to develop and deliver innovative educational solutions that empower both learners and educators alike.

Our team consists of highly skilled and dedicated professionals who are deeply passionate about transforming education through technology. With a strong commitment to excellence, they collaborate tirelessly to develop and deliver innovative educational solutions that empower both learners and educators alike.

Phan Thi Huong Giang

Chief Executive Officer

Huong Giang has many years of management and operational experience across various industries, including the successful development of startups in the fintech sector. She holds an MBA from the University of Surrey, UK, and has a strong foundation in strategic and business thinking. At AEH, Huong Giang is an outstanding leader in the development of educational technology platforms. With over 20 years of experience in business operations, communication, and marketing in both Vietnam and abroad, she has the ability to create excellent products, attract users, and apply data analytics for decision-making. Huong Giang brings the necessary skills and knowledge to drive growth and innovation in the educational technology field, creating positive and sustainable changes for students and parents.

“At Authentic Education Hub, we revolutionize education by leveraging technology to transform traditional classrooms into dynamic digital learning environments, offering customized learning experiences that connect students and teachers worldwide.”

Nguyen Huong

Human Resources Director

Nguyen Huong brings extensive management and recruitment experience from top-tier corporations such as Aon, Navigos, and Synergix Technologies…. With over 10 years of expertise in building organizational management systems, overseeing HR operations, developing HR policies, and managing recruitment processes, Hường has proven to be a valuable asset in dynamic environments. Her blend of entrepreneurial thinking and leadership experience across various industries has significantly enhanced her development capabilities. Hường’s proficiency in developing processes, creating performance measurement indicators (KPIs), and implementing quality control measures in recruitment has provided her with valuable insights into the specific needs of different departments, enabling her to effectively assess and select top talent.

Hoang Duc Hieu

Head of Business Operations

Hoang joins AEH with a solid background in business development, process optimization, and sales management, coupled with experience in marketing and team leadership. Hoang is responsible for building and managing sales channels, driving revenue growth, and overseeing operations within a fast-paced environment, showcasing the ability to effectively develop customers through online channels. Hoang manages operation to provide excellent customer service and optimize the operation of online classes.

“Education technology is a catalyst for unlocking individuals’ comprehensive potential, enabling them to thrive in a rapidly evolving digital landscape and gain a competitive edge in today’s knowledge-driven economy”.

Mai Thanh Hoa

Marketing Manager

Mai has 10 years of experience working in the marketing field and a deep understanding of consumer behavior. Mai’s ability to analyze market trends, coordinate marketing campaigns, and attract target customers contributes to the growth of AEH in the education technology industry. Mai’s experience in organizing events and collaborating with other departments for maximum effectiveness has contributed to the successful implementation of marketing activities.

“Innovative educational technology solution is changing the future, one child at a time”

Mai Huy Anh

Head of Academy

Mai is responsible for the development and implementation of high-quality curriculum and instructional materials, collaborating with practitioners. Mai fosters collaboration with experts both locally and internationally to develop innovative teaching methods supported by AI technology. With diverse experience in educational management and operations as Deputy General Director at ANT Edu and Founder of Future Me, and expertise in developing STEM education project content, Mai has built effective organizational structures, established strategic partnerships, and designed and implemented curriculum that meets the highest standards. Mai holds a master’s degree in Materials Engineering from Wollongong, Australia.

“Technology doesn’t make education better, the people who use technology do it.”

Phan My Phuong

Customer Success Manager

Phan plays a crucial role in ensuring the success and satisfaction of AEH’s customers. With 10 years of experience in sales, marketing, and education quality management, Phan is well-equipped to establish close relationships with customers, understand their needs and goals, and provide guidance and support throughout their journey with AEH’s products and services. Phan’s experience in quality management, driving sales, and proposing adjustments based on customer needs has helped develop a loyal customer base for AEH.

“Customized educational solutions are tailored to meet the unique requirements of each learner, bringing success and happiness to both students and parents.”

Nguyen Duy Tung

Head of Technology and Engineering

At AEH, Tung is a visionary technology architect with experience and a strategic mindset in developing innovative software systems with innovative designs. With a focus on flexibility, scalability, and adaptability, Tung has built technology platforms that meets the convenient and interactive teaching and learning needs. Combined with an efficient management system and data analysis for customization to students and support for teachers’ optimal effectiveness, Tung has empowered AEH with technological strength and maintained a competitive advantage in a rapidly evolving technological landscape. Tung has succeeded as a product architect for a leading travel technology company, overseeing a platform that handles over 10,000 transactions per day.

“Advanced technology revolutionizes education by providing learners with a remarkable online learning experience, opening the door to flexible and convenient learning opportunities.”

Luong Ngoc Anh

Customer Success Manager

With 15 years of leadership experience in legal management across various industries, including fintech, e-commerce, retail, and telecommunications, Luong has diverse experience in legal management in large corporations. Luong is responsible for contract negotiations, developing and enforcing legal policies, ensuring compliance with relevant regulations in the company’s operations, and safeguarding the company’s legality and interests in business activities and transactions. Luong holds a bachelor’s degree in International Trade and Business Laws from Hanoi Law University.

“Online learning helps eliminate geographical and physical barriers, creating equal opportunities for everyone to access education.”

Nguyen Thi Sen

Director of Finance

Sen manages the financial strategy and operations of AEH. With over 20 years of experience in finance across various industries, Sen is responsible for implementing financial policies, managing budgets, providing financial analysis, supporting strategic decision-making, and ensuring the financial stability, growth, and profitability of AEH. She collaborates closely with other departments to align financial goals with business objectives, monitors financial performance, and ensures regulatory compliance. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from the Academy of Finance.

“Customizing learning and adjusting the curriculum not only enhances learning effectiveness but also helps reduce costs for Vietnamese learners, increasing opportunities to acquire new and advanced knowledge, thus opening doors to global opportunities.”

Phan Thi Huong Giang

Chief Executive Officer

Huong Giang has many years of management and operational experience across various industries, including the successful development of startups in the fintech sector. She holds an MBA from the University of Surrey, UK, and has a strong foundation in strategic and business thinking. At AEH, Huong Giang is an outstanding leader in the development of educational technology platforms. With over 20 years of experience in business operations, communication, and marketing in both Vietnam and abroad, she has the ability to create excellent products, attract users, and apply data analytics for decision-making. Huong Giang brings the necessary skills and knowledge to drive growth and innovation in the educational technology field, creating positive and sustainable changes for students and parents.

“At Authentic Education Hub, we revolutionize education by leveraging technology to transform traditional classrooms into dynamic digital learning environments, offering customized learning experiences that connect students and teachers worldwide.”

Nguyen Huong

Human Resources Director

Nguyễn Hường brings extensive management and recruitment experience from top-tier corporations such as Aon, Navigos, and Synergix Technologies…. With over 10 years of expertise in building organizational management systems, overseeing HR operations, developing HR policies, and managing recruitment processes, Hường has proven to be a valuable asset in dynamic environments. Her blend of entrepreneurial thinking and leadership experience across various industries has significantly enhanced her development capabilities. Hường’s proficiency in developing processes, creating performance measurement indicators (KPIs), and implementing quality control measures in recruitment has provided her with valuable insights into the specific needs of different departments, enabling her to effectively assess and select top talent.

Hoang Duc Hieu

Head of Business Operations

Hoang joins AEH with a solid background in business development, process optimization, and sales management, coupled with experience in marketing and team leadership. Hoang is responsible for building and managing sales channels, driving revenue growth, and overseeing operations within a fast-paced environment, showcasing the ability to effectively develop customers through online channels. Hoang manages operation to provide excellent customer service and optimize the operation of online classes.

“Education technology is a catalyst for unlocking individuals’ comprehensive potential, enabling them to thrive in a rapidly evolving digital landscape and gain a competitive edge in today’s knowledge-driven economy”.

Mai Thanh Hoa

Marketing Manager

Mai has 10 years of experience working in the marketing field and a deep understanding of consumer behavior. Mai’s ability to analyze market trends, coordinate marketing campaigns, and attract target customers contributes to the growth of AEH in the education technology industry. Mai’s experience in organizing events and collaborating with other departments for maximum effectiveness has contributed to the successful implementation of marketing activities.

“Innovative educational technology solution is changing the future, one child at a time”

Mai Huy Anh

Head of Academy

Mai is responsible for the development and implementation of high-quality curriculum and instructional materials, collaborating with practitioners. Mai fosters collaboration with experts both locally and internationally to develop innovative teaching methods supported by AI technology. With diverse experience in educational management and operations as Deputy General Director at ANT Edu and Founder of Future Me, and expertise in developing STEM education project content, Mai has built effective organizational structures, established strategic partnerships, and designed and implemented curriculum that meets the highest standards. Mai holds a master’s degree in Materials Engineering from Wollongong, Australia.

“Technology doesn’t make education better, the people who use technology do it.”

Phan My Phuong

Customer Success Manager

Phan plays a crucial role in ensuring the success and satisfaction of AEH’s customers. With 10 years of experience in sales, marketing, and education quality management, Phan is well-equipped to establish close relationships with customers, understand their needs and goals, and provide guidance and support throughout their journey with AEH’s products and services. Phan’s experience in quality management, driving sales, and proposing adjustments based on customer needs has helped develop a loyal customer base for AEH.

“Customized educational solutions are tailored to meet the unique requirements of each learner, bringing success and happiness to both students and parents.”

Nguyen Duy Tung

Head of Technology and Engineering

At AEH, Tung is a visionary technology architect with experience and a strategic mindset in developing innovative software systems with innovative designs. With a focus on flexibility, scalability, and adaptability, Tung has built technology platforms that meets the convenient and interactive teaching and learning needs. Combined with an efficient management system and data analysis for customization to students and support for teachers’ optimal effectiveness, Tung has empowered AEH with technological strength and maintained a competitive advantage in a rapidly evolving technological landscape. Tung has succeeded as a product architect for a leading travel technology company, overseeing a platform that handles over 10,000 transactions per day.

“Advanced technology revolutionizes education by providing learners with a remarkable online learning experience, opening the door to flexible and convenient learning opportunities.”

Luong Ngoc Anh

Customer Success Manager

With 15 years of leadership experience in legal management across various industries, including fintech, e-commerce, retail, and telecommunications, Luong has diverse experience in legal management in large corporations. Luong is responsible for contract negotiations, developing and enforcing legal policies, ensuring compliance with relevant regulations in the company’s operations, and safeguarding the company’s legality and interests in business activities and transactions. Luong holds a bachelor’s degree in International Trade and Business Laws from Hanoi Law University.

“Online learning helps eliminate geographical and physical barriers, creating equal opportunities for everyone to access education.”

Nguyen Thi Sen

Director of Finance

Sen manages the financial strategy and operations of AEH. With over 20 years of experience in finance across various industries, Sen is responsible for implementing financial policies, managing budgets, providing financial analysis, supporting strategic decision-making, and ensuring the financial stability, growth, and profitability of AEH. She collaborates closely with other departments to align financial goals with business objectives, monitors financial performance, and ensures regulatory compliance. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from the Academy of Finance.

“Customizing learning and adjusting the curriculum not only enhances learning effectiveness but also helps reduce costs for Vietnamese learners, increasing opportunities to acquire new and advanced knowledge, thus opening doors to global opportunities.”

Phan Thi Huong Giang

Chief Executive Officer

Huong Giang has many years of management and operational experience across various industries, including the successful development of startups in the fintech sector. She holds an MBA from the University of Surrey, UK, and has a strong foundation in strategic and business thinking. At AEH, Huong Giang is an outstanding leader in the development of educational technology platforms. With over 20 years of experience in business operations, communication, and marketing in both Vietnam and abroad, she has the ability to create excellent products, attract users, and apply data analytics for decision-making. Huong Giang brings the necessary skills and knowledge to drive growth and innovation in the educational technology field, creating positive and sustainable changes for students and parents.

“At Authentic Education Hub, we revolutionize education by leveraging technology to transform traditional classrooms into dynamic digital learning environments, offering customized learning experiences that connect students and teachers worldwide.”

Nguyen Huong

Human Resources Director

Nguyen Huong brings extensive management and recruitment experience from top-tier corporations such as Aon, Navigos, and Synergix Technologies…. With over 10 years of expertise in building organizational management systems, overseeing HR operations, developing HR policies, and managing recruitment processes, Hường has proven to be a valuable asset in dynamic environments. Her blend of entrepreneurial thinking and leadership experience across various industries has significantly enhanced her development capabilities. Hường’s proficiency in developing processes, creating performance measurement indicators (KPIs), and implementing quality control measures in recruitment has provided her with valuable insights into the specific needs of different departments, enabling her to effectively assess and select top talent.

Hoang Duc Hieu

Head of Business Operations

Hoang joins AEH with a solid background in business development, process optimization, and sales management, coupled with experience in marketing and team leadership. Hoang is responsible for building and managing sales channels, driving revenue growth, and overseeing operations within a fast-paced environment, showcasing the ability to effectively develop customers through online channels. Hoang manages operation to provide excellent customer service and optimize the operation of online classes.

“Education technology is a catalyst for unlocking individuals’ comprehensive potential, enabling them to thrive in a rapidly evolving digital landscape and gain a competitive edge in today’s knowledge-driven economy”.

Mai Thanh Hoa

Marketing Manager

Mai has 10 years of experience working in the marketing field and a deep understanding of consumer behavior. Mai’s ability to analyze market trends, coordinate marketing campaigns, and attract target customers contributes to the growth of AEH in the education technology industry. Mai’s experience in organizing events and collaborating with other departments for maximum effectiveness has contributed to the successful implementation of marketing activities.

“Innovative educational technology solution is changing the future, one child at a time”

Mai Huy Anh

Head of Academy

Mai is responsible for the development and implementation of high-quality curriculum and instructional materials, collaborating with practitioners. Mai fosters collaboration with experts both locally and internationally to develop innovative teaching methods supported by AI technology. With diverse experience in educational management and operations as Deputy General Director at ANT Edu and Founder of Future Me, and expertise in developing STEM education project content, Mai has built effective organizational structures, established strategic partnerships, and designed and implemented curriculum that meets the highest standards. Mai holds a master’s degree in Materials Engineering from Wollongong, Australia.

“Technology doesn’t make education better, the people who use technology do it.”

Phan My Phuong

Customer Success Manager

Phan plays a crucial role in ensuring the success and satisfaction of AEH’s customers. With 10 years of experience in sales, marketing, and education quality management, Phan is well-equipped to establish close relationships with customers, understand their needs and goals, and provide guidance and support throughout their journey with AEH’s products and services. Phan’s experience in quality management, driving sales, and proposing adjustments based on customer needs has helped develop a loyal customer base for AEH.

“Customized educational solutions are tailored to meet the unique requirements of each learner, bringing success and happiness to both students and parents.”

Nguyen Duy Tung

Head of Technology and Engineering

At AEH, Tung is a visionary technology architect with experience and a strategic mindset in developing innovative software systems with innovative designs. With a focus on flexibility, scalability, and adaptability, Tung has built technology platforms that meets the convenient and interactive teaching and learning needs. Combined with an efficient management system and data analysis for customization to students and support for teachers’ optimal effectiveness, Tung has empowered AEH with technological strength and maintained a competitive advantage in a rapidly evolving technological landscape. Tung has succeeded as a product architect for a leading travel technology company, overseeing a platform that handles over 10,000 transactions per day.

“Advanced technology revolutionizes education by providing learners with a remarkable online learning experience, opening the door to flexible and convenient learning opportunities.”

Luong Ngoc Anh

Customer Success Manager

With 15 years of leadership experience in legal management across various industries, including fintech, e-commerce, retail, and telecommunications, Luong has diverse experience in legal management in large corporations. Luong is responsible for contract negotiations, developing and enforcing legal policies, ensuring compliance with relevant regulations in the company’s operations, and safeguarding the company’s legality and interests in business activities and transactions. Luong holds a bachelor’s degree in International Trade and Business Laws from Hanoi Law University.

“Online learning helps eliminate geographical and physical barriers, creating equal opportunities for everyone to access education.”

Nguyen Thi Sen

Director of Finance

Sen manages the financial strategy and operations of AEH. With over 20 years of experience in finance across various industries, Sen is responsible for implementing financial policies, managing budgets, providing financial analysis, supporting strategic decision-making, and ensuring the financial stability, growth, and profitability of AEH. She collaborates closely with other departments to align financial goals with business objectives, monitors financial performance, and ensures regulatory compliance. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from the Academy of Finance.

“Customizing learning and adjusting the curriculum not only enhances learning effectiveness but also helps reduce costs for Vietnamese learners, increasing opportunities to acquire new and advanced knowledge, thus opening doors to global opportunities.”